Thank goodness for online shopping. Luckily, the majority of our holiday shopping has been done online. There have been a few items I’ve had to venture out into the wilds of the shoppping mall for but I didn’t have any complaints. Until yesterday. Sara and I are strolling through the mall. She is sitting happily in her stroller with sippy cup and goldfish crackers. I’m on a mission. Haircut for Sara, cigars for Dad and Chick-fil-A for lunch. Haircut was a breeze. Went upstairs to the tobacco store and ran into (literally) the grinch. This woman had no clue. She was standing in the middle of the walkway with a huge coat and lots of bags. She was taking up so much room that “traffic” coming and going was halted. She proceeds to put her bag down and reach into her pocket for her cell phone. Um….HELLO?! Could you move you and all your crap OUT OF THE WAY?! There were vacant benches not more than 20 feet away. One lady loudly said “Excuse me!” and pushed her way by. I decided not to be so nice. I bumped into one of her bags and then rolled over her foot with the stroller. She didn’t even look up from her phone call but boy did it make me feel better. Got Dad’s cigars then it was off to enjoy the best chicken sandwich ever invented.